Tuesday, June 2, 2015

My Grand Debute/A Retrospect On Batman:The Animated Series

So if you're reading this, you've stumble upon my blog where I'll pretty much post movie and television reviews at my own discretion. A little bit about me. My name is Anthony. I'm 22 years old, and film became an active interest to me when I was 16 years old and saw City of God for the first time. I started seeking films of all sorts. Different genres, different countries, different eras. Now I'm in school, I have to be writing a lot of papers, so in order to get better at that, I decided to write about what I know about, which is film and television. And since my interest in film began, my knowledge of film has only expanded and my taste has only matured, and I don't mean just appreciating more mature films. So I figured if I'm going to be organizing my opinions in writing, I might as well publish it for the world to witness and disagree with.

So how should I start this blog? Just review something current? I may do current movie reviews here or there, but I mostly plan to review... well, whatever I feel like. Whether I look at a films or televisions shows connected by filmmaker, actor, film series, studio, genre, era, thematic element or whatever common factor connects them. Well recently, knowing somebody who's a librarian, I've been reading a lot of Batman comics sort of obsessively. I kinda watched the Batman movies by Burton and Schumacher when I was really young, and I fondly remember seeing Batman Begins when I was 12, but the Dark Knight came out when I was 15, shortly before my interest in film really became possessive of me, and being one of the major films that led to my active interest in films, I also decided to check out other Batman properties, including the incredible Batman: The Animated Series. If the Dark Knight triggered my Batman obsession, Batman: The Animated Series is where I really began to appreciate the mythology. And it also made me take in interest in cartoons. I love cartoons, and Batman taught me how sophisticated and adult a cartoon could really be. So now that I'm older, more learned and opinionated of storytelling and having read a lot more of the comics, I've decided to analyze each episode of the animated series, and inspect each storytelling element and how it adapts the comics it is based on.